Traditional Private Practice Start-Up

Member of Medical Service Organization

Find office space; pay security deposit; finance build-out of patient offices/upgradesBegin working immediately in high-end office space with all the amenities and physician-specific format in-place.
Purchase thousands of dollars' worth of computers and tens of thousands of dollars' worth of software for practice management, billing, insurance claim management etc.All computers and software are in-place and ready to go. We have already tried many existing software packages and have selected ones that are most appropriate for private practice.
Advertise necessary support positions and interview many candidates. Write policy manuals and hire a payroll service.We have an existing support staff and systems in place for hiring good candidates. We have policy manuals, corporate intranet, training systems and a payroll service.
Purchase group health policies for medical, dental and optical insurance. Suddenly you're on the other end of the insurance debate!We have benefits packages in place that are negotiated based on dozens of employees instead of you starting out with just a couple of people in your group.
Purchase professional/malpractice liability insurance based on your private practice.We can assist you in negotiating and making choices that keep premiums and liability low.
Spend hours setting up billing and insurance software and trying to understand it yourself – so you can then try to teach your new support staff.Everything is already in place and as your need for support staff grows we can hire and train additional staff. You focus on patients!
Managing cash flow – borrowing money based on future revenues to finance those early months/years when spending is high to put everything in place.Predictable expenses from your first dollar. You will know how much money you are going to make and how much is required for overhead.